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Michael Berg

Newport Beach Criminal Lawyer

Sex Crimes

Newport Beach Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys

A History of Success with Obtaining Successful Outcomes

There are few crimes you can be accused of that have the potential to affect your life more than sex crimes do. If you are convicted, you can be placed on the sex offender’s registry for life. This can affect not only your career and your relationships, but also aspects of your life that you may not have considered, such as your ability to go back to school for another degree. You may also face travel restrictions. In other words, a conviction can impact the entire rest of your life.

If you have been accused of a sex crime in Newport Beach or Orange County, it is vital that you seek representation immediately. We have a history of success with obtaining successful outcomes on behalf of our clients, including helping keep clients off of sex offender registries. These crimes are treated very seriously by the prosecution and you want an attorney who will take your defense equally seriously. We understand the consequences you are facing, and our goal is to avoid or minimize the impact these consequences may have on your life.

We Understand that Your Reputation is at Stake

Being charged with a sex crime can be especially damaging if you are a young professional who is just beginning to network and build a professional identity. Our firm can help defend against sex crimes including:

  • Child molestation
  • Indecent exposure
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Rape, including statutory rape and date rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment

We think of our clients as family, and we understand that your reputation is at stake if you have been charged with a sex crime. Unlike others who may pre-judge you and treat you differently based simply on the fact that you have been charged, we will treat you with respect and empathy. We are committed to providing excellent customer service to each and every client.

Don’t Sit Back while the Prosecution Builds a Case Against You

The sooner you contact us for your free consultation, the sooner we can begin investigating your case and creating a defense strategy that takes the prosecution’s methods and requirements into account. Unlike some larger firms, we will not pass your case on to a junior attorney or a paralegal once you have retained our services. Your case will be handled by one of our partners from beginning to end.

We understand that these types of charges can be made anytime, so we are available outside of normal business hours to answer any questions you may have. We also make payment plans available to those who qualify. The potential loss of your freedom is a much higher price to pay.

If you have been charged with a sex crime in Newport Beach, don’t sit back while the prosecution builds a case against you. Call us today to discuss your options.